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Our Mission

Our mission is to quench our student’s thirst for knowledge while building their self-confidence and the skills needed to be successful not only in the classroom but also in life.


One of the things that make our education so valuable is that education is one of the only things in this world that cannot be taken from us, and shared with others at no cost to ourselves. Given the lifelong impact of one’s education we believe that “knowledge is power, information is liberating, and education is the premise of progress” – Kofi Annan. We feel that all students, given the proper care, attention, and guidance are capable of fulfilling their academic potential; and that is our goal, here at Samurai Academics. Our tutors are of the heart that students who fall behind in school are entitled to an opportunity to get extra attention to learn the missed information and students who learn information more quickly than their peers should not have their education stunted.

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